
Showing posts from July, 2008

25 Internet Startups that bombed!

Having survived a badly run startup, which raised a huge amount of money and then went under because they spent the money they raised as if there was no tomorrow. There are many ways to fail, running a startup but few ways to succeed. 25 Internet startups that bombed

Google Web Crawling

The web has grown in 10 years from 26 million unique URLs to 1 trillion unique URLs. This makes it a very challenging task for Google to crawl all the pages. The amazing part is that they do this a couple of times a day to keep their search engine uptodate. See the blog posting for more details

SQL Developer User Defined Extensions

SQL Developer 1.5 allows you to create user defined extensions using XML and SQL to add a tab for an existing object e.g the Table Node and add context menu to the navigator. See the OBE for details on how to do this.